Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day One...

Day one: Today was simple and easy to get through. For breakfast I juiced carrots, celery and apples. By lunch I was feeling a bit hungry. I juiced carrots again, with some cucumber and lettuce. By the time the children came home and I had to start preparing dinner, I was feeling extremely hungry! So I juiced a large cup of greens I found in the fridge. After dinner, I didn't have enough produce to supply me with any juice for the evening, or for breakfast, so I went to the store and bought all organic produce. Grapes, apples, swiss chard, cucumbers, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, celery, orange and red beets, and italian parsley. Juicing concentrates the nutrients of the produce, and will also concentrate the pesticides and sprays that are used. So I highly recommend using only organic produce. 
By bedtime, I was really thinking why I am doing this. I want a clear mind, I have been suffering through an unusual amount of migraines the past few months, I want to lose some baby fat in trouble areas; but there is a reason even greater. I have a long and full life to live. I will have new daughter and son in laws when my children get married, and the day will come that I will have grand children. I want to be vibrant in my life, with energy enough to be a blessing to my family for as many years as I can. So I am doing this for my future and for my children's future. 
I also think of my husband. What woman doesn't desire her husband to find her radiantly beautiful? I want to preserve youthfulness for as many years as I can. I have a life time to share with this wonderful man still, and I want to be as sunshine in his life. So for him I am doing this as well. My love for my family is enough to keep me committed to this 10 days of fasting, even if it becomes difficult.

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