Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Last Day...

Day 10 has come to a close. And I couldn't be more grateful for this experience. Like all new ventures, there are struggles and doubts, times when you don't want to go on. But if you keep on, not allowing any of these things to stop you from reaching your goal, the end will come with great victory!
I only juiced twice today. The first was a treat to myself: pineapple, oranges, and a sprig of mint. I poured this over ice and sat long by myself to enjoy it. 
I continued the lemon and cayenne water for most of the day. In the afternoon I juiced romaine lettuce, roma tomatoes, green onion, and carrots. This is one of my favorite blends. Very tasty. 
By dinner time, my good husband invited me to have a bit of raw salad with the rest of the family. And I did. I broke my fast last night with some romaine lettuce, cucumber, avocado, and a few roasted cashews. The serving size was very small, but was the most delicious salad I had ever had! We brought the girls on a night walk after that, and enjoyed a quiet Sabbath evening. 
I have never felt more in touch with my body. And for some reason this has increased my mental thoughts. I am ready for this coming semester, and I am ready for the challenges it will bring. 
I encourage anyone considering a juice fast to not hesitate. I believe health is the most important treasure we have in this world. If we lose that, nothing else matters. To incorporate little improvements in our daily lives in regards to health would make the stresses of life less able to break us down. We become stronger to break the stress down. 
Thank you to so many for your encouragement to me on this journey! I couldn't have done it without you! And thank you for taking time to read my day to day experiences. 
I look forward to eating with my family today. I have come to realize how important that family time is around the table, and how lucky we are to have such abundant amounts of food. Hope you all have a healthy, vibrant and God filled day! 

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