Tuesday, August 21, 2012

End of Day 7

I found some fasting sites that are packed full of great information:

These are some great resources that will give you loads of information! I was glad to find them. It helped me understand a lot my body is going through right now. My face has broken out a bit, and I guess that's normal.   My back hurting could have been toxins in that nervous system region being cleansed out. My blood shot eyes...well... not sure. Hope they will heal and I won't need to ever wear glasses anymore!
I often experience feelings of enlightenment, that I have failed to write about. Little things will come to mind, mainly spiritual thoughts or ideas. One of the main things I have realized is that "all things truly do work together for good to those who love God". I am not the product of the tragedies in my life, but of the blessings of God. My mind thought about every thing in my life that I have suffered through, and I now see how it made me a better person. And no trial or heartache in this life has power over me. The Lord has made me rich. My character would have never been so strong if it weren't for Him. So with that in mind, it makes me grateful for trials. They fade as my love for the Lord increases.
I am not hungry in the sense that I want to open the fridge and devour everything in sight. I have so enjoyed cooking and reading new recipes, and reflecting on food in general. I can't wait to eat, but not from a hunger standpoint. I enjoy good, quality, healthy food. The textures and tastes and smells... mmmm.... Can't wait for my first meal!
Today I only had to juice 3 times to keep my blood sugar up. And I have been drinking a lot more water! I've been very thirsty! For breakfast I had apples and grapes, and had a hard time drinking it all. It was so sweet! For lunch I had romaine lettuce, celery, tomato, onion and garlic. I call this one my lettuce and tomato sandwich. I have grown to really enjoy this. For dinner I could hardly get this one down and won't do this blend again! It was kale, carrots, cucumber, green onion and an orange beet. Since drinking this I have that terrible taste in my mouth again. I think the beet detoxifies quickly and powerfully.
I feel better tonight than I have yet! I am so grateful for this window of time I have had to do this.

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