Friday, August 17, 2012

Day Three

Whew! For some reason I am feeling quite emotional tonight. My mind is not well balanced at the end of day three. I certainly hope, and I am sure the rest of my family does also, that tomorrow I will feel back to my normal self.
My back has been hurting all day all down my spine. So achy! Not sure why. That has slowed me down a bit.
I didn't feel hungry today, except, as yesterday, I had to pack a lunch and craved potato chips again. I never realized how much I like potato chips until now.
My energy level is still high as usual, so I am thankful for that. My stomach has never felt empty, and often after drinking a large bit of juice, I am full for hours.
I have been thinking that my eyes should be clear by now, but no, they aren't. They have been sensitive, too.  I am now done with all my complaining.... I will share what I juiced today.
For breakfast I had apples, cucumber and carrots. Mid-morning I had apples, carrots, swiss chard and parsley. This filled my stomach for a long time. A friend gave me this next recipe, that so far, is my favorite: pineapple, apple, orange and mint. Delicious! This settled my stomach a bit from all that swiss chard. And finally tonight, as we all sat at the dinner table, I drank a very large cup of spinach, tomato, cucumber and carrot juice. This was soothing to me tonight.
I have had many people tell me that by the fourth day I will feel a lot better, maybe even great! I certainly hope so!


  1. try adding a thumb size of ginger to the green juices, it helps with the taste & settling your stomach.

  2. Thank you Debi! I just bought some ginger and I will give it a try today!
